So, the week of Thanksgiving was a great week to really look at the life Marcos and I have started 7 years ago and give God all the Glory, Honor and Thanks. It's truley amazing to see how each year we've had trials, some small and some big but through it all we've continued to never be discouraged and to look to the One who has ALWAYS been looking after us during these times. God has never failed us.
This year was especially special because God's given us a life to look after. He has given us the honor to become God fearing parents to lead and a direct a child in the way Shiloh should go. We pray for this baby on a daily basis - not only for health but for Shiloh to be a God fearing child with their spiritual senses tuned into the Father.
I am now 10 weeks along in this pregnancy and everything seems to be goign smoothly. Last week, at 9 weeks I got to see baby Shiloh due to a "scare". But things were normal and Shiloh looked great and growing perfectly. Being a first time pregnant gal, it's not at all what I thought it would be. When you want things to go so perfectly you end up worrying over every little ache, pain or new bodily function that happens. You don't what is normal and what isn't. It's really not fun not knowing what to expect when expecting. Oh, do you think I should read the book, "What to expect when expecting?" Well, I have... it stinks... nothing helpful for me - mostly talks of food cravings, adverisons, tiredness ect. Nothing about what your body should feel in the inside. So, when I have a moment of, "Hmm what's this?" I just pray about it immediately and know God is in control. And for this I can say, "Thank You God!"