Friday, April 20, 2012

Oh Happy Day...AGAIN?!

I'm BACK! To blogging! AGAIN!

I want to be FAIR right? Fair to whom we may ask?

FAIR to the little  and oh so BIG news that came yesterday!

YES! We found that I am 7 weeks and 1 day pregnant with a heart rate of 147. Baby #2 will be expecting around the 1st of December. 

Natalie is just thrilled as you can see in the pictures! She loves her baby that will making it's debut in just 8 months. 

I'm asking myself, how did this happen? Ha. You are laughing and saying, well, there is only ONE way for this to happen! Haha... I know I know! However, with it taking my 2 years to get preggo with Natalie and one miscarriage before Natalie at 6 weeks and 2 days - Pregnancy is a long process in my thought process. Marcos and I had started "talking" about baby #2 and had even gone to talk to my Cardiologist about baby #2 getting his thoughts and then following it up with my OB a week later, where we agreed that I would go see A high risk maternal and fetal dr. on May 17th before she we start me back on my meds to get preggo. 

Well, this all happened without meds and sometime between those 2 weeks of appointments. I'm actually excited it happened this way. This way I can say, "It's a God thing for sure!" A God thing that all this happened naturally. An assurance for me from the Almighty saying, "Yes, you can have a baby #2 and Yes, I will be by your side and you will be fine just like you were with Natalie!" 

I will still meet with Dr. Perry the high risk maternal and fetal Dr. at Baptist. I'm looking forward to the next 8 months taking one a second journey with this time a baby, Natalie, by my side. 

Oh, and my OB said, have your ever seen the show, "Pregnant and didn't know it," - YES, Her reply, "You would star in that show!!" My last menstrual was February 2nd! My postive pregnant test was March 29th! And I'm 7 weeks preggo on April 19th?! :) 

Well, that's all for now folks!

Just playing fair. I journeyed through blogging with Natalie and I will with this little miracle!