Arrived on the 26th at pediatrics echo room only to be greeted by a very familiar face. Mrs Alex! Well, it's funny to call her Mrs. Alex. You are assuming an older lady. No no no - she's my age and married. We were in school together since elementary. It was great seeing a familiar face but I'm sure she wasn't expecting to see me. I had the echo done and she got to listen in on all the wonderful things about my lovely heart that God has given. We left the appointment knowing I was right where I needed to be and all hooked up to a heart halter. I've a got a new Dr., I've learned I always needed to be with the pediatric group considering my stuff was done back in my baby days. The term heart transplant was back on the table too.
I got a message a few hours later from Alex informing me to pick up something from the front desk the next day when I return my monitor. I did exactly that! It was a tiny little card the read, "open carefully" on the back.
"Open Carefully"
- Don't ask me how I remember this - When we were in elementary school, we went on a school field trip to the Ag museum. I found a 4 leaf clover on this trip & you asked me if you could have it. I was being a bratty kid & said no. I went home, pressed it in a book & some how still own this book with the 4 leaf clover.
I figured now was a good as a time as any to give it you. I know that this journey you are on is entirely in God's hands, but it never hurts to have a little bit of luck on your side.
Hoping the Best,
I was in tears, my husband in tears. I kept thinking how special is this? How awesome is God! I wanted to write her back immediately. I started my message to her about 4 times before I knew exactly what to say.
Words can't describe the feeling I felt when reading your card and the story behind the 4
leaf clover. It brought me to tears and was confirmation to myself that God knows what He is doing and to trust in Him. Putting you in my path during this time and reminding you of this clover is not a coincident but something I believe God had planned from the moment you decided to keep it. Now was the time for me to receive it, in His timing not our owns. Thank you for giving up your special clover! I'll take great care of it!
leaf clover. It brought me to tears and was confirmation to myself that God knows what He is doing and to trust in Him. Putting you in my path during this time and reminding you of this clover is not a coincident but something I believe God had planned from the moment you decided to keep it. Now was the time for me to receive it, in His timing not our owns. Thank you for giving up your special clover! I'll take great care of it!
Love & blessings,
After the monitor, I met with my new Dr. After he reviewed everything he says I can keep my heart! Praise the Lord!! I'm going to be receiving a pacemaker very soon! Well, not a pacemaker but An implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) that will react if at anytime my heart needs some help. I keep seeing God at every corner of this journey reminding me of His faithfulness and love for me. God loves us! He truly does.