Monday, November 16, 2009

In my 3rd Month! 9wks =)

So, I have entered the 3rd month according to "What to Expect when Expecting". I am week 9 now and things couldn't be better. I continue to give God all the glory for this baby and already God has been glorified through it. I got a really encouraging letter the other day from a mom who read my blog and was uplifted with the confidence I have for the pregnancy - baby shiloh. She expressed her concerns for her pregnancy she had been having and God gave her peace after she read my blog. She is using the same scriptures and is reminded of how God is in control and he wants the best outcome for us and our babies. "No weapons formed against shall prosper - Jesus name. Amen!"  Reading the letter just had tears over flowing, as I saw God working through my strength giving others the same hope and peace God has given me.

Here is a pic of my BEAUTIFUL Baby Shiloh with a Heart rate of 185beats a minute measuring 2.44cm and 9wks.

I got to see the little feet and arms moving! My miracle!

1 comment:

Joey and Kristin Lindley said...

I am so excited for you! baby shiloh... i love it!